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Arrington Law Help Center

Understanding Indiana Child Support

All children have the right to be supported by both parents.  Child support is money that a non-custodial parent pays to a custodial parent to assist in raising the child until the child becomes an adult or is emancipated.  In Indiana, the amount of child support owed is calculated based on the Child Support Rules...

Understanding License Suspension

There are several reasons that a defendant’s license can be suspended.  The length of the suspension, the requirements for reinstatement, and the possible fines for each type of suspension can widely vary. Your license can become suspended simply for failure to appear in court or failure to pay a fine on a traffic citation.  It...

Death of Debtor in Bankruptcy

What happens when the debtor dies in bankruptcy?  Does the case get dismissed entirely?  Can creditors go after the debtor’s estate? Bankruptcy Rule 1016 states that after the death of a chapter 13 debtor, the case may be dismissed if further administration of the case is not possible.  While Rule 1016 address the death of...

Mediation in Divorce

Divorce does not necessarily does not have to include extensive court filings and appearances.  Mediation is available to couples that decide to divorce and it is the most common dispute resolution option. Mediation allows divorcing spouses to reach a fair settlement with the assistance of a mediator.  The mediator is a disinterested neutral third party....

Taxes and Divorce

As we approach the 2014 filing deadline for taxes, the question arises, how do those going through a divorce handle their tax filings?  Separated couples face choices that may have significant tax consequences.  Some choices, while made independently, must be made by communication with the other spouse despite their legal separation.  In addition to decisions...

Bankruptcy and Small Business

Do you own your own company?  Are you part of a small organization or firm?  Is your business closing its doors?  Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a valuable option for some corporations and limited liability companies (LLC’s) that are dissolving or going out of business. Just as an individual can file for bankruptcy, so...

Dividing Retirement Accounts in Divorce

For individuals 50 years of age and older who are divorcing, it’s unquestionable that retirement accounts, Social Security and pension plans are significant factors in divorce settlement agreements.  Even if not approaching retirement, the same can still be true.  For various couples, retirement accounts and/or pension plans encompass a significant amount of their net worth...

Bankruptcy and Your Tax Refund

It’s that time of year again…taxes.  A tax refund is typically caused by the taxpayer having too much tax deducted from their paycheck.  Many taxpayers rely on their income tax refund each year. Did you know that the bankruptcy court could seize part or all of your tax refund? The “bankruptcy estate” is made up...

Adultery in Divorce

Whether adultery by either spouse impacts a divorce varies from state to state.  In some states the issue of adultery matters and is taken into account in determining certain divorce aspects like alimony.  In Indiana, divorces are considered “no fault.”  This means that Indiana courts do not consider the reasons for the dissolution of the...


Under Indiana law, shoplifting is covered under theft and criminal conversion.  Anyone who knowingly or intentionally exerts unauthorized control over another’s property commits the crime of conversion.  Anyone who knowingly or intentionally exerts unauthorized control over another’s property with the intent to deprive the other person of the property’s use or value commits the crime...