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Arrington Law Help Center

Marriage in Indiana

Divorce is one of the most common issues in family law cases, but the obvious prerequisite that must exist before a couple can petition to dissolve their union is the existence of a legal marriage. Most people take the ability to get married for granted, and need only follow the simple process of obtaining a...

Private Student Loans and Bankruptcy: The President’s New Proposal

It is no secret that the cost of higher education is steadily rising each year, forcing many young adults to take out student loans for substantial amounts in order to pay for it. It is also generally known that the amounts owed by many of these borrowers upon graduation are well beyond their ability to...

The Role of the Child Support Bureau

Child support, as an aspect of a divorce or paternity case, can seem like a fairly straightforward concept. You go to court, a judge issues an order, and the payments start coming. While this is the outcome in an ideal situation, it is not uncommon to need additional support and intervention from the courts and/or...

Property Division and Beneficiaries’ Rights After Divorce

Decisions about property division in a divorce can often be one the biggest issues in dispute as each side works to get what they believe is a fair share. Couples able to reach an agreement on this issue will typically find courts willing to accept their terms, unless they seem particularly unequal or unfair. If...

Domestic Violence: What it Means in Divorce and Paternity Cases

Deciding to divorce takes careful thought and planning, but in some cases it takes true acts of courage to initiate divorce when one spouse is the victim of domestic violence. Recognizing the obstacles some victims of domestic violence experience when transitioning away from the abusive spouse, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway sponsored a fundraising drive this...

Proposed Changes to Child Support Guidelines

Child support is a central issue to any divorce proceeding that often becomes a source of contention between the spouses. Having uniform guidelines to structure the amounts a parent must pay and how the money is to be used brings stability to the system and a level of comfort to parents that know child support...

Penalties for Non-Payment of Child Support

Becoming the primary caregiver for a child after divorce greatly increases the responsibility one parent must carry, not only in time and effort but also financially. These additional duties render the importance of regular child support payments a very high and necessary priority. If an ex-spouse fails to make payments on time or stops paying...

Grandparent’s Rights to Child Visitation and Custody

The decision of couples to divorce or end a relationship that involves minor children affects family members far beyond the core unit of parent and child. Grandparents are especially impacted by this decision, since it is common for grandparents and grandchildren to have close relationships. A recent story out of Goshen highlights the plight of...

What is a Guardian Ad Litem?

In some family law cases there is a person appointed to represent the best interest of the child. The guardian ad litem, frequently abbreviated “GAL,” is a trained volunteer who is appointed by the court to represent the best interest of the child pursuant to Indiana Code 31-9-2-50. Indiana law states that the GAL shall...

Teen Drivers and Cell Phones

As of July 1, 2015 teen drivers are no longer allowed to use any sort of telecommunication devices for any purpose while behind the wheel. The law is aimed at younger drivers, especially those under the age of 21. Under the new law, all drivers under the age of 21 with a probationary license are...