A domestic battery charge is a serious criminal charge in Indiana, and can result in severe consequences including jail time.
As a lawyer representing those charged with domestic battery in Putnam County and Hendricks County and throughout Central Indiana, I offer dedicated, experienced representation.
Domestic Battery Charge
In the case of a domestic battery charge, it will be critical to obtain all information possible relating to the charge, including police reports, victim statements, and the statements of any witnesses. When representing clients, I seek to immediately obtain this information from the prosecutor’s office. I also seek to have disclosed all other information concerning any evidence that may be in the possession of the prosecution so that a comprehensive analysis of the facts and evidence can be undertaken.
A domestic battery conviction carries with it lifelong consequences. For example, among other things, Federal Law prevents a person from purchasing a firearm if they have a domestic battery conviction. It is important to seek legal help as soon as possible after being charged with a domestic battery.
As your lawyer, I will advise you regarding the alternatives and strategies available in seeking to obtain for you the best outcome possible give the facts and evidence of your case. I will then diligently pursue the option that you choose, which can include seeking a dismissal of the case (if the prosecution does not have a strong case), seeking reduced charges, or going to trial.
If You’ve Been Charged with Domestic Battery or Another Crime in Indiana, Please Call Me
Please call me so that I could get started helping you.