I understand your concern about fees and costs, and I encourage you to ask questions about the fees and costs associated with your matter at any time. You should never be hesitant to discuss fees or costs with me.
My firm is dedicated to providing quality services to clients for affordable fees. At the outset of all arrangements, we provide a written representation letter and fee agreement that will outline how fees and costs will be billed for your matter.
For most matters, we bill on an hourly basis. Clients are also responsible for certain costs that may be incurred relative to their matter as set forth in the representation letter and fee agreement.
Except in contingency fee cases, we usually require an advanced fee deposit (commonly thought of as a “retainer”), which is based in part on the expected amount of time that it will take for a particular matter. Any advanced fee is kept in a separate trust account, and money is only withdrawn from the trust account in accordance with our representation letter and fee agreement and in accordance with the rules and regulations governing attorneys and trust account management.
We are also experimenting with automatic recurring billing which does not require an advanced fee deposit (retainer). In fact no money is required to begin representation other than signing a Legal Service Agreement. However, this is on a case by case basis but may be an option for you if paying a retainer up front is out of reach for you.
In some instances representation may be provided on a fixed-fee basis for example noncontested divorce, bankruptcy and criminal defense. In these cases, the amount of our fixed fee, and the responsibility for any related costs, will also be described in your representation letter and fee agreement.
For personal injury representation, unless otherwise set forth in our representation letter and fee agreement, I (like most personal injury lawyers) represent clients on a contingency fee basis. This means that you will not owe this firm for any fees unless and until you recover a settlement or court award. There are costs that may be incurred in advancing your case (such as the cost of court reporters in depositions); generally this firm will advance such costs on your behalf unless otherwise contemplated or set forth in our representation letter and fee agreement. Repayment of costs is also governed by the representation letter and fee agreement.
We accept credit card payments. Please advise if you wish to make any payment by credit card and we can show how such payment can be made.