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Arrington Law Help Center

Discovery in Divorce

If you have had any experience in legal matters or have ever watched a legal television, show you have probably heard the term “discovery.”  Discovery is the process of discovering facts in a legal case.  In other words, it is the process of finding out what information the other side has prior to going to...

Division of Assets

One of the most complicated and devastating parts of divorce is often the portion involving financial concerns. Therefore, it is important to understand some of the basics if you are considering divorce.   The following provides answers to common questions about assets and liabilities and the financial division in divorce, including which assets and liabilities are...

Filing an Appeal in Indiana Criminal Court

When the judge tells you that you have been convicted of a crime, your first thought is likely panic– that “it is all over now.”  The truth, however, is that the law provides a potential second chance for people in that situation – an appeal.  However, an appeal is not always the answer, it can...

Embryo Law in Indiana

In modern times, reproducing has become more than between just a man and a woman.  It often involves a man, a woman, and a team of doctors and medical personnel.  During one of these processes, known as in vitro fertilization, a woman has a number of her embryos frozen. After implanting some of the embryos,...

Student Loans and Bankruptcy

The problem of student loan debt is nationwide and it is affecting more and more people each year.  In fact, it is becoming somewhat of an epidemic in our country.  Many people plagued with these debts are looking towards bankruptcy as an option.  However, student loans are not dischargeable.  Collection for student loans can nevertheless...

Credit After Bankruptcy: Is it Possible?

Bankruptcy has a variety of consequences, but a lack of any credit after filing is not one of them.  Many people are under the mistaken impression that after filing for bankruptcy, they will be unable to obtain any credit for years and years to come.  This is simply not true.  Do not let this myth...

Co-Parenting During the Holidays

Co-parenting is difficult in the best of situations, and we all know that most of us are not in the best of situations.  Co-parenting can be even more challenging during the holiday season.  There are some ways that you can help to smooth over the relationships during the holidays.  Remember these notes as you work...

What is Public Intoxication in Indiana?

Public intoxication is a vague description for a law.  It is even more confusing if the law simply says that it is a crime to be drunk in public.  What is considered drunk, and when does it rise to the level of a crime? Indiana recently implemented a new public intoxication law that includes different...

A Father’s Rights in Indiana

Indiana law distinguishes between a biological father and a legally recognized father.  Simply fathering a child does not automatically give one the rights of a parent.  Indiana law puts a large amount of emphasis on whether the parents of the child were married at the time of birth, or whether the parents ended up getting...

Mediation in Family Law

What is mediation? Mediation is a form of dispute resolution.  It is a way in which the parties negotiate with the help of a mediator.  Mediation is generally voluntary and parties choose whether to go or not, although in Indiana, many courts have ordered attempted mediation before final hearings.  Mediation is also a collaborative environment...