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Arrington Law Help Center

What is Legal Separation in Indiana, and How is it Different from Divorce?

Legal separation does not necessarily lead to divorce. There is an entirely separate legal tool for couples who choose to separate and those that choose to divorce. A divorce legally ends the marriage, while a legal separation instead gives the couple an opportunity to determine whether the marriage can be saved or whether the marriage...

What is in the Best Interest of Your Child in a Custody Battle?

A custody battle is often one of the most stressful and difficult times in a person’s life.  It is a very personal relationship put into a very public eye and decided by someone completely unrelated to the situation.  If you are entering into a custody battle, it is important to know that, although you may...

Reasons to File for Bankruptcy in Indiana

Bankruptcy can be a terrifying and daunting idea.  As an individual with no experience in bankruptcy, it might even seem an impossibly difficult task.  In truth, bankruptcy is a last chance option, and one ought only to consider it in the face of dire financial circumstances.  That said, the process will go much smoother with...

Getting a Divorce in Indiana

Getting a divorce is an extremely difficult time in a person’s life. It creates both economic and emotional hardships on the family, and can affect both extended family and friends. In Indiana, one must follow certain procedures in order to file a divorce properly. The last thing one needs is the legal burden that accompanies...

What is an Annulment, and Who is Eligible to Get One?

When a married couple thinks about separating, filing for divorce, or filing for an annulment, finding a great family law attorney is the first step towards extricating one’s self from a complicated jumble.  The difference between a divorce and an annulment is solely legal.  While it can be a confusing distinction, the grounds for annulment are...

Know Your Rights: Change to Indiana Law Expands Definition of Burglary

The Indiana legislature recently changed its burglary law to broaden the scope of the rule. The law, which became effective on July 1, 2014, states that “a person who breaks and enters the building or structure of another person, with intent to commit a felony or theft in it, commits burglary.” With the addition of the...

The Role of Plea Bargaining in the Criminal Justice System

Once a defendant is charged with a crime, some people think a long and dramatic trial will follow, much like those portrayed on crime television dramas. A highly reputable criminal defense attorney will go up against a prosecutor, and both will deliver Emmy-worthy court performances, complete with the admissibility of newly discovered evidence that will...

Picking Up the Pieces of Your Life Post-Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy is a traumatic experience that can leave many people with little hope for their future. Yet once all of the necessary paperwork is filed, victims of bankruptcy can actually breathe a sigh of relief. The initial shock of partaking in the bankruptcy process can be harrowing, mainly due to the constant reminder of...

Celebrity Divorces

In our day and age, divorce has become prevalent – and when celebrities are involved it becomes instant news. It is no surprise that once a person is deemed as a celebrity that they are revered as a public figure, and almost all of their actions become public knowledge. Whether it is from the army...

Underage Drinking and Driving

With summer coming to a close in the Midwest, school-bound children in Indiana are desperately trying to take advantage of their last few weeks of summer vacation. Whether kids are home from college or just enjoying a summer off from high school, barbecues, bonfires and backyard parties will be prevalent in the next few weeks....