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Arrington Law Help Center

Bankruptcy and Your Tax Refund

It’s that time of year again…taxes.  A tax refund is typically caused by the taxpayer having too much tax deducted from their paycheck.  Many taxpayers rely on their income tax refund each year. Did you know that the bankruptcy court could seize part or all of your tax refund? The “bankruptcy estate” is made up...

Adultery in Divorce

Whether adultery by either spouse impacts a divorce varies from state to state.  In some states the issue of adultery matters and is taken into account in determining certain divorce aspects like alimony.  In Indiana, divorces are considered “no fault.”  This means that Indiana courts do not consider the reasons for the dissolution of the...


Under Indiana law, shoplifting is covered under theft and criminal conversion.  Anyone who knowingly or intentionally exerts unauthorized control over another’s property commits the crime of conversion.  Anyone who knowingly or intentionally exerts unauthorized control over another’s property with the intent to deprive the other person of the property’s use or value commits the crime...

Do I Have to Go to Court?

You are planning to file for bankruptcy and are wondering if you will have to make a court appearance.  The answer is no; not in the traditional sense.  However you will be required to attend a special meeting. Anyone who files a bankruptcy petition, whether Chapter 13 or Chapter 7, must attend what is referred...

Domestic Violence Protective Orders

Victims of domestic and family violence, victims of sex offenses and victims of stalking have recourse in both the civil and criminal courts.  Often, the need for a protective order arises from the same incident in which the defendant is also facing a criminal charge. The process begins with the filing of a petition for...

Child Support and Bankruptcy

If you are paying child support and considering filing for bankruptcy, it is important to know how a bankruptcy ruling will affect your child support responsibilities.  On the other hand, if you are receiving child support and the paying parent has filed for bankruptcy, you may be curious how the bankruptcy proceeding will affect your...

Modifying Child Support

In the case of child custody and support, circumstances change repeatedly and often.  As a result, you may wonder whether or not the child support agreement or order that you are a part of can be modified to reflect some of those changes in circumstances.  The Indiana Code allows for modification of child support orders...

Discovery in Divorce

If you have had any experience in legal matters or have ever watched a legal television, show you have probably heard the term “discovery.”  Discovery is the process of discovering facts in a legal case.  In other words, it is the process of finding out what information the other side has prior to going to...

Division of Assets

One of the most complicated and devastating parts of divorce is often the portion involving financial concerns. Therefore, it is important to understand some of the basics if you are considering divorce.   The following provides answers to common questions about assets and liabilities and the financial division in divorce, including which assets and liabilities are...

Filing an Appeal in Indiana Criminal Court

When the judge tells you that you have been convicted of a crime, your first thought is likely panic– that “it is all over now.”  The truth, however, is that the law provides a potential second chance for people in that situation – an appeal.  However, an appeal is not always the answer, it can...