Sometimes there is no hope for kind or cordial behavior between two divorced people. Despite knowing that the best thing for children is to try and at least be pleasant and non-confrontational with an ex when the children are present, there are relationships that are so toxic that having any type of rapport is impossible.
The state of Indiana understands this reality. Because of this, under the state’s parenting time guidelines, there is what is known as “parallel” parenting. When a court determines that a divorced couple absolutely cannot parent in a healthy way that is in the best interest of their children, a Parallel Parenting Plan order could be in order.
Parallel parenting plans deviate from more common Indiana parenting time guidelines. The issuance of a Parallel Parenting Plan Court Order does not happen often. But in certain circumstances, this alternative parenting agreement is applied.
How Does Parallel Parenting Work?
Parents who cannot control their emotions and are often explosive when near each other truly have an unhealthy relationship and the effects of that will weigh heavily on their children. For this reason, allowing parents to have their time with their children with minimal contact with each other is the best course of action.
Parallel parenting limits the interaction two volatile parties have with each other. When involved in a parallel parenting agreement, each parent submits that they will raise their children effectively on their own, instead of in concert with the other parent. Only when there are important issues that arise, should one parent inform the other. Also in a parallel parenting plan, each parent chooses their own style of how to raise their children and this is typically not discussed.
Similarly, in an emergency situation, two parents will then have to connect with each other. Even when communications must happen, they are often done in writing. The courts recommend that contentious divorced couples engaging in a parallel parenting plan make use of professional counselors.
It is the court’s hope that argumentative parents are able to start with a parallel parenting plan and then transition into a more traditional arrangement where there is more constructive interaction. For this reason, a court will normally review a couple that is on a parallel parenting plan every 180 days to assess the situation.
For parents who have to have supervised parenting time, parallel parenting is also a pathway toward easing this restricted access that these individuals have to their children.
Ideally, parents who decide to divorce should put the needs of their children ahead of their negative feelings towards each other. Even though this is the desired goal, it is not always realistic or possible.
If you are heading for divorce or if you are already divorced and need help with your child custody and parenting time agreement, call Christopher L. Arrington. Christopher L. Arrington is a Danville, IN child custody attorney who can help you work through your unique situation.
Call an Indiana Child Custody Attorney Today
If you need assistance with a child custody agreement or with your divorce, call the Danville divorce attorney Christopher L. Arrington today to schedule a free consultation at (317) 745-4494.