The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration is seeking a 10-year extension of the state’s Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP). The HIP is a health insurance program that is offered to residents of the state aged 19 to 64 who are low-income. There are five plans including HIP Plus, HIP Basic, HIP State Plan Plus, HIP State Plan Basic, and HIP Maternity. The plan began in 2008 and was expanded in 2015 as an alternative means of Medicaid expansion. There are more than 400,000 residents of Indiana who use the program to access health insurance coverage.
Every three to four years, state government officials renew the plan. Now, the state has filed for a 10-year waiver so that staff can better allocate their time and resources. Indiana seeks to have staff focus on efforts to improve HIP and meet specific goals such as providing guidance to members for managing their own health coverage. Additionally, the state wants increased flexibility with contributions and copayments. They are also extending more recent services through the HIP. Treatment for substance abuse disorder and care for mental illness are among the newest changes.
The HIP Workforce Bridge is a new program that FSSA is working towards implementing. This program will assist HIP members financially when they are moving from employer insurance to other coverage options. A 30-day public comment period has begun.
Medicaid Expansion in Indiana
Medicaid was expanded under Obamacare in the state of Indiana. Then Governor Mike Pence was pushing for the expansion to have stricter eligibility requirements. The state took the federal money and added specific features to its program, unlike other expansion states. One example is requiring recipients to pay money each month, which is put into an account.
Under the plan, everyone who receives support, even those below the poverty level, must contribute. If recipients do not make contributions, they risk losing dental and vision coverage in addition to having to pay for copayments. Recipients above the poverty level who fail to make their contributions risk temporarily losing all of their coverage. These aspects of the plan were implemented to motivate individuals receiving the care to be more judicial with the medical services they use. This will help the state save money by lessening the use of unnecessary services and reducing emergency room visits.
A Family Law Attorney in Indiana Who Cares
Christopher L. Arrington, P.C. is a resourceful Danville family law attorney who cares about his fellow residents in Indiana. We are passionate about helping you obtain the most favorable outcomes for your unique circumstances. We work hard for our clients and are dedicated to supporting their needs, being available, and answering their questions completely. It is our job to keep clients informed through every step of the process.
We can help you with many matters including estate planning, child custody, criminal defense, or bankruptcy to name a few. When you need the support and guidance of an experienced family law attorney, call our Danville divorce law firm at 317-745-4494 today so we can discuss your situation during a free consultation.