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Five Considerations for Dating After Divorce

No couple enters into a marriage thinking that one day it will come to an end. The dissolution of a union is challenging not just for the couple but also for their children, if they have any together, and their extended families. Divorce comes with many complications in addition to the emotional toll. Legal fees, splitting assets, relocating, and learning how to live as a single person again can all be difficult. To ensure a smooth transition through a divorce that is collaborative rather than adversarial, it is important to have an effective Danville collaborative divorce lawyer on your side. 

One of the aspects of living as a single person is dating again. This can be difficult for newly single people who may be out of practice. If you are looking to date again after divorce, here are some words of advice to help you get back out there from those who have been in your situation before as well as therapists.

Ensure You Have Overcome Your Grief Before Dating

Divorce causes great change in a person’s life, including internal change. There is no question that you will be a different person after your divorce then you were before it. That is why it is very important to ensure you care for yourself and address your own recovery. Talk with loved ones and friends, read relationship books, and listen to similar podcasts, maybe even seek the assistance of a professional therapist to help you manage your feelings and emotions. A licensed clinical psychologist can help you better evaluate potential suitors as individuals rather than how they stack up against your ex. These professionals can help you determine when you are truly ready to start dating again.

You are Allowed to Have Your Own Timeline for Dating Again

Many times after a divorce, our friends and loved ones push us to get back in the game and start dating. For some divorcees, this strategy works and is healthy and helpful. For others who need more time, this is not helpful at all. Do not feel pressured if you are not ready to get into a relationship or start meeting new people. Dating may be something that comes to you in months or even years, and that is OK. You may start out with some short term relationships for fun and to help you work your way back up to finding something for the long-term.

The Learning Curve

The dating world has changed in many ways, thanks to technology and culture. If it has been some time since you were playing the field, you may be overwhelmed by these changes. Take your time and go slowly. Technology today with regard to relationships is nothing more than a modern platform to be introduced to new people and potentially decide to meet in person.

Practical vs. Romantic

Romanticism in relationships and love can often be a thing of the past for those who have gone through a divorce. Divorced individuals may take a more practical approach to dating. This includes being upfront about their current life circumstances and what they want out of a partner so as to avoid playing games. As long as you are engaging in realism and not cynicism, you can get down to the nitty-gritty more quickly and find the right match to compliment your life.

This outlook on relationships may make divorced individuals better at finding a long-term one versus having a range of flings. On the other hand, frivolous and unserious dating may be just what the doctor ordered for you. For someone who wants to engage in light relationships as opposed to getting back into a serious one, simply wanting to have fun with new people is OK, too. 

Do You Need a Collaborative Divorce Lawyer in Indiana?

Christopher L. Arrington, P.C. is a resourceful Danville, Indiana divorce attorney who will help you with all aspects of your divorce such as the division of assets, parenting time, and child custody, to name a few. If you need effective and resourceful legal representation during a divorce, call my Danville divorce law firm at 317-745-4494 today so we can discuss your situation during a free consultation.

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