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Who Has Custody? Changes After the Custody Arrangement

When children are involved after a divorce, former spouses must continue to coordinate the care, custody, and visitation rights of affected parties. Indiana courts will use a “best interests of the child” standard when determining which of the different types of child custody to award. In this post we discuss matters relating to custody after...

Criminal Prosecution in Indiana: The Investigation

Crime is a part of every society. Police officers in Indiana spend the bulk of their time investigating these crimes and seeking to bring suspects to trial. Understanding what happens during the course of an investigation–and the legal protections granted to possible suspects–is critical. Investigating Crime in Indiana A criminal investigation usually begins when a...

Stop Your Spouse From Cheating? Infidelity Clauses in Premarital Agreements

You may be able to stop your spouse from cheating by including an infidelity clause in your premarital agreement. Celebrities such as Jessica Beal and Catherine Zeta-Jones reportedly included infidelity clauses in their premarital agreements – Beal will receive $500,000 if her husband, Justin Timberlake, is caught cheating, and Zeta-Jones will walk away with $5...

Guidelines for Parenting Time in Indiana

Celebrity breakups are often reported in the media. The tabloids seem to sell “news” about the most famous figures, like President Obama or “Brangelina,” or the most scandalous – Lindsay Lohan and Justin Bieber. The stories can be trite and dubious at times, but they can also be sincerely heartbreaking. One such story recently involves...

Large Indiana Mining Company Goes Bankrupt

An Indiana business, with assets and liabilities totaling as much as $100 million dollars, declared bankruptcy last month. The Indiana Limestone Company, based in Oolitic, has been quarrying stone just south of Bloomington for over 150 years. The business owns and operates mines that, according to its own marketing material, were the source of 67%...

The Great Recession & Weakening Bonds of Matrimony

Mirroring the trajectory of our economy, the national divorce rate hit a 40-year low in 2009, but has since gone up for the three following years, reaching a total of 2.4 million divorces in 2012. According to Bloomberg News, this upward trend will continue, and is attributable to a brighter economic outlook across America. Merely a...

Some of the Most Costly Divorces in the U.S.

Divorce is never easy and almost always comes with a sense of loss of life as you previously knew it. Divorce may cost a former spouse time with their children, property, and, of course, money. Most property acquired during the marriage will be divided in divorce in an equitable manner that is “just and right.”...

Bill Before Senate Will Expedite Divorces in Domestic Violence Cases

On January 7, 2014, House Representative Chuck Moseley, a Democrat from District 10, introduced Indiana House Bill 1014, which would permit courts to expedite final hearings in divorce cases that involve domestic violence. The Bill passed unanimously out of the House, and was sent to the Senate for further action on February 3, 2014. The Bill...

Grandmother Fights Indiana Department of Child Services for Custody

On the evening of Wednesday, January 8th, 2014, a devastating fire ripped through a Hammond house and took the lives of three young children. The father of the children, Andrew Young, suffered severe injuries. Mr. Young, who was home at the time of the fire, attempted to save his children’s lives. Sadly, however, when firefighters arrived...